By calculation (generator: ["no]) I know that:
The current time is March 27th 2012, 10:38:06
By calculation (generator: ["second_paramete]) I know that:
gram is the second parameter of 70 grams
I know from locally stored knowledge that:
kilogram is the optimum conversion unit for gram ([fact: ["64332094]])
Fact 1: 0.001 is the multiplier that converts gram and kilogram ([fact: ["13451102]])
Fact 1 is true for December 6th 2010, 14:22:02 onwards ([fact: ["105038195]])
Fact 1 is true for the beginning of time onwards ([fact: ["107453877]])
By calculation (generator: ["tpintersec]) I know that:
December 6th 2010, 14:22:02 onwards is the timeperiod intersection of December 6th 2010, 14:22:02 onwards and all time
By calculation (generator: ["produc]) I know that:
0.00220462262184878 is the product of 0.001 and 2.20462262184878
By calculation (generator: ["multiplier_that_converts]) I know that:
Fact 2: 0.00220462262184878 is the multiplier that converts gram and pound
Fact 2 is true for December 6th 2010, 14:22:02 onwards
By calculation (generator: ["timeperiodtopoin]) I know that:
Fact 2 is true at March 27th 2012, 10:38:06
By calculation (generator: ["multiplier_that_converts]) I know that:
Fact 2 is true for the beginning of time onwards
By calculation (generator: ["tpintersec]) I know that:
the beginning of time onwards is the timeperiod intersection of the beginning of time onwards and all time
By calculation (generator: ["first_paramete]) I know that:
70 is the first parameter of 70 grams
By calculation (generator: ["produc]) I know that:
0.154323583529415 is the product of 0.00220462262184878 and 70
By calculation (generator: ["class_parametered_objec]) I know that:
mass is the class of the parametered object 70 grams
By calculation (generator: ["parametered_object_corresponding_t]) I know that:
0.154323583529415 pounds is the parametered object corresponding to mass and 0.154323583529415 and pound
By calculation (generator: ["equivalent_to]) I know that:
Fact 3: 0.154323583529415 pounds is equivalent to 70 grams
Fact 3 is true at March 27th 2012, 10:38:06
Fact 3: pound is the unit used in 0.154323583529415 pounds
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